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Heidelberg Catechism | Set to Rhyme & Music | Aart Blokhuis | July 5/20 |
Melody: Orlando Gibbons, 1623 (Hymn 56 BOP “Loving Shepherd of Thy Sheep”)
Lord’s Day 9 in Song
Can you tell me about that Father you believe in?
1) Father is an awesome God.
Created Earth and Heaven
Made Sun, Moon and Starry nights
And, every creature living.
2) He keeps and He gov-erns all
In His eternal counsel
For the sake of Christ, His Son
One Triune God in Council.
3) Father de-serves all my trust.
So I do, completely!
He’ll pro-vide, bod-y and soul
Where ills can not de-feat me
4) But turn all things for my good…
Adversity and sorrow,
I believe that in the end
Through grace renewed tomorrow.
5) This, I say with certainty,
For He is faithful ever.
Moth-er might for-sake me, but,
My heavenly Father? Never!
Copied from Book of Praise Anglo Genevan Psalter
Lord’s Day 9
Heidelberg Catechism
- 26. Q. What do you believe when you say:
I believe in God the Father almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth?
A. That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who out of nothing created heaven and earth
and all that is in them,1
and who still upholds and governs them
by his eternal counsel and providence,2
is, for the sake of Christ his Son,
my God and my Father.3
In him I trust so completely
as to have no doubt
that he will provide me
with all things necessary for body and soul,4
and will also turn to my good
whatever adversity he sends me
in this life of sorrow.5
He is able to do so as almighty God,6
and willing also as a faithful Father.7
1 Gen 1 and 2; Ex 20:11; Job 38 and 39; Ps 33:6; Is 44:24; Acts 4:24; 14:15.
2 Ps 104:27-30; Mt 6:30; 10:29; Eph 1:11.
3 Jn 1:12, 13; Rom 8:15, 16; Gal 4:4-7; Eph 1:5.
4 Ps 55:22; Mt 6:25, 26; Lk 12:22-31.
5 Rom 8:28.
6 Gen 18:14; Rom 8:31-39.
7 Mt 6:32, 33; 7:9-11.