“One Finger Thumb & Strum” 

This is a new first verse transcription of Psalm 114 Genevan melody . 

These tablature examples are nearly all transcribed to the Key of D or Dm to simplify the learning and playing of what are often rather difficult tunes for the guitar. Please see Thumb & Strum  in the menu above.

Psalm 114 was especially loved by the French Huguenots and helps us to reflect on what they treasured in the Psalms. The French Huguenots sang this psalm often and gladly (even though the Genevan tune to which it was set strikes our contemporary ears as very strange and difficult).

It was also a psalm that was important to God’s people in Old Testament times for it was part of the “Egyptian Hallel,” Psalms 113–118, which was sung by the Jews at the Passover season.  Psalm 114 in particular exalts God as our deliverer, a truth that is especially important to Christians who are facing persecution.

Paraphrased from: W. Robert, Godfrey. Learning to Love the Psalms (pp. 7-8). Ligonier Ministries. Kindle Edition.



The Wonder of His Eclipse

General revelation provides us with the knowledge that God exists. “The heavens declare the glory of God,” says the psalmist [in Psalm 19].

God’s glory is displayed in the works of His hands. This display is so clear and manifest that no creature can possibly miss it.

It unveils God’s eternal power and deity (Romans 1: 18– 23). Revelation in nature does not give a full revelation of God. It does not give us the information about God the Redeemer that we find in the Bible. But the God who is revealed in nature is the same God who is revealed in Scripture.

Not everyone in the world has read the Bible or heard the gospel proclaimed. But the light of nature shines upon everyone in every place, in every time. God’s general revelation takes place every day. He is never without a witness to Himself.

ESV Reformation Study Bible

“Like one who runs a race
with strong and eager pace,
it speeds across the heavens;
the sun its path completes,”

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Learn to play Psalm 19



Praise the Lord!

Fat tire bikes open up new opportunities to enjoy our Creators majestic work.
Sun , waves, melting ice, the joy of rolling motion in fresh air, over ice and sand, pedaling on a set of floating wheels.

Sometimes living in thankfulness is easier than at other times but even then the words of Psalm 150 are always steadfast and true.


“Praise the LORD! Praise God in his sanctuary;
praise him in his mighty heavens!
Praise him for his mighty deeds;
praise him according to his excellent greatness! “

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Learn to play Psalm 150

Easy Play Psalms This is a growing collection of Anglo Genevan Psalms showing classical guitar music settings for them with tablature. This is a PDF Flip-Book and may be freely printed or saved locally as a complete PDF compilation.  Hint Practice strumming the chords or using your thumb and fingers…