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Heidelberg Catechism | Set to Rhyme & Music | Aart Blokhuis | July 5/20 |
Melody; William Knapp, 1738 (Hymn 80 BOP “Give to Our God Immortal Praise”)
Lord’s Day 11 in Song
1.) Tell me; Why is Jesus called, “God’s own Son?”
He came down from Heaven to save man from sin
From all my foul transgressions, to redeem
Bought with His precious blood, from the state I was in.
2.) Tell, Is there no other way, to be saved?
No, for He told His church that, “I am the Way”
For the Saints, even Mary, must pay heed
To the Word that our Saviour, Lord Jesus did say.
3.) It’s by faith alone, that He truly saves,
Seeking otherwise, would be futile, in vain,
For, He alone provides, what we all need
He’s the gate by which His sheep, their entrance may gain.
Copied from Book of Praise Anglo Genevan Psalter
Lord’s Day 11
Heidelberg Catechism
- 29. Q. Why is the Son of God called Jesus,
that is, Saviour?
A. Because he saves us from all our sins,1
and because salvation is not to be sought or found
in anyone else.2
1 Mt 1:21; Heb 7:25.
2 Is 43:11; Jn 15:4, 5; Acts 4:11, 12; 1 Tim 2:5.
- 30. Q. Do those who seek
their salvation or well-being
in saints, in themselves, or anywhere else,
also believe in the only Saviour Jesus?
A. No.
Though they boast of him in words,
they in fact deny the only Saviour Jesus.1
For one of two things must be true:
either Jesus is not a complete Saviour,
or those who by true faith accept this Saviour
must find in him all that is necessary
for their salvation.2
1 1 Cor 1:12, 13; Gal 5:4.
2 Col 1:19, 20; 2:10; 1 Jn 1:7.