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Please also see further below for the versification, the actual text and  typical congregational singing of this Psalm in English.

Heidelberg Catechism | Set to Rhyme & Music | Aart Blokhuis | May 10/11 |

Melody: Geneva 1542 (Psalm 119 BOP “How blessed are those upright in their way”)

Lord’s Day 2 in Song



 1) I stand exposed, I know your edicts, see,
I know Your Law requires that I love you
With all my heart, my soul, my mind, it’s true,
The first and great commandment that you taught me,
The second law is like it, Lord I fear,
That, love of neighbour is not always in me.

Copied from Book of Praise Anglo Genevan Psalter 


Lord’s Day 2 
Heidelberg Catechism

  • 3. Q. From where do you know your sins and misery?

       A. From the law of God.1
1 Rom 3:20; 7:7-25.

  • 4. Q. What does God’s law require of us?

A. Christ teaches us this in a summary in Matthew 22:
You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart
and with all your soul
and with all your mind.1
This is the great and first commandment.
And a second is like it:
You shall love your neighbour as yourself.
On these two commandments depend
all the Law and the Prophets.2
1 Deut 6:5.
2 Lev 19:18.

  • 5. Q. Can you keep all this perfectly?

A. No,1 I am inclined by nature
to hate God and my neighbour.2
1 Rom 3:10, 23; 1 Jn 1:8, 10.
2 Gen 6:5; 8:21; Jer 17:9; Rom 7:23; 8:7; Eph 2:3; Tit 3:3.

Typical Congregational Singing of Psalm 119 Verses: 63-64 in English